活動名稱: | 「地緣政經情勢下,主要國家關鍵產業鏈競合趨勢」研討會 |
聯絡人資訊: | 高雅姿小姐 (02)2586-5000#318 ; 張郁菲小姐(02)2586-5000#323 |
活動日期: |
活動類型: | 研討會 |
費用: | 免費 |
報名截止日: | 2024/05/30 |
活動內容: |
Seminar on geopolitical and economic circumstances affecting competition trends
among critical industries of key countries
一、會議主軸/ Themes:
我們有幸邀請到美國資訊技術與創新基金會(ITIF)總裁Dr. Robert D. Atkinson進行專題演講及參與焦點座談。A總裁曾擔任歷屆美國總統柯林頓、布希、歐巴馬、川普及拜登的政策顧問,亦曾以專家身分出席超過30場國會聽證會。本活動將針對全球戰略性產業未來走向、美國前後總統川普及拜登之經貿政策異同、美中臺新局勢的發展等議題深入討論。
In response to the risks of over-concentration of global supply chains highlighted by the US-China trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic in the past few years, key countries like the US, Japan, and the EU have started to promote policies that orients at strategic autonomy of critical industries, establish trust trade alliance, and deepen participation in regional integration. At the same time, results of the upcoming US presidential election, would also serve as a critical factor to the competition trends among critical sectors of key countries.
We are honored to have Dr. Robert D. Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), to deliver a keynote speech and join the panel discussion. Dr Atkinson has served as a policy advisor for US presidents from Clinton to the incumbent Biden, and has testified before the US Congress more than 30 times. At this event we would discuss important issues including potential development of global strategic industries, differences of Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s trade policy agenda, and US-China-Taiwan triangle.
二、 會議時間/Date:
Tuesday, June 4, 2024,10:00~11:30
三、 會議地點/Venue:
NTUH International Convention Center, 402AB. (No. 2, Xuzhou Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City)

※本活動全程以英文進行。/ English is the primary language for this event.
※主辦單位保有變更議程之權利。/ Agenda is subject to change without prior notice.
※本研討會採閉門形式舉行,不開放媒體採訪、露出或者事後轉載研討會與談內容,謝謝。/This seminar would be conducted in a closed-door format. Media interviews,coverage, or post-event reproductions of the discussion content are not permitted. Thank you.